29100 SW Town Center Loop West
Suite 300
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9315
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Collins Almanor Forest
Collins Pennsylvania Forest
Collins Lakeview Forest
Collins Pine Co. (SCS-COC-000023)
TWC Corp (SCS-COC-000023-B)
Collins Chester Sawmill (SCS-COC-000023-C)
Collins Lakeview Sawmill (SCS-COC-000023-D)
Collins Kane Hardwood (SCS-COC-000023-E)
Collins TruWood Siding | Trim (SCS-COC-000023-F)
Collins Pine Particleboard / Collins Pine FreeForm / Collins Pine UniForm (SCS-COC-000023-G)
To Eric Schooler, former President and CEO of The Collins Companies, from Timber Processing magazine. Read the full article here.
Everett Easley was one of six who received the Master Lumberman Award. This distinguished award is presented to outstanding lumbermen who have demonstrated knowledge, competence, and dedication in fostering the principles of quality lumber manufacture. To read more click here.
On November 18th, the Forest Stewardship Council celebrated people and organizations who have demonstrated an enduring commitment to responsible forest management in our annual FSC Leadership Awards at Greenbuild 2015. Read more here.
Ned Karger CF was presented a 2014 Society of American Foresters (SAF) Presidential Field Forester award at the SAF National Convention held recently in Salt Lake City. Ned, representing SAF District 7, was one of nine awardees selected from SAF regions throughout the US. District 7 includes Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and D.C. To read more click here.
Collins receives Operator of the Year for Barry Point work. Click here for a video with more info.
The Champion Award is given to FSC partners who represent visionary leadership in advancing FSC’s mission and demonstrate outstanding support of and dedication to the work of FSC-US.
The Sequoia Awards, given since 1997, recognize and honor the creativity, quality, and innovation of the best new offerings in the woodworking industry. Collins Pine Freeform Particleboard was honored in 2009. Collins FreeForm is a FSC-certified particleboard made from wood waste and melamine-based resin with no added urea-formaldehyde.
For more information click here.
Collins Pine FreeForm is a new FSC-certified particleboard that is produced with no added urea-formaldehyde. A melamine-formaldehyde binder is used rather than industry-standard urea-formaldehyde.
Connie Grenz, general manager at Kane Hardwood, accepted the Chamber award Saturday. She praised the Kane Hardwood, employees. “Every single person is a key to our success,” Grenz said. Kane Hardwood, a division of the Collins Companies, has 120 employees and is considered the largest manufacturing employer in the Kane area. Click here to download the article.
Ned Karger, silvicultural manager at Kane Hardwood, was awarded the Robert W. Bauer Outstanding Service to Forestry Award at the annual Allegheny Society of American Foresters (ASAF) meeting held recently in Lancaster. Click here to download the article.
Blaine Puller has been chosen to receive the Society of American Foresters’ Presidential Field Forester Award. The award recognizes foresters who have displayed uncommon talent and innovative methods to achieve a record of excellence in the application of forest management.
Timber Company with Partnership Award Collins Pine Company Demonstrates Unique and Exemplary Stewardship of National Scenic Trail.
This award was presented to Kane Hardwood, for best symbolizing the three elements of sustainability: environmental improvement, economic development, and positive social change.
Academic experts and industry insiders reviewed nominations and selected Kane as winner based on five criteria: public education, political involvement, private landowner education, forest stewardship on-the-ground and efficient resource utilization.
This prestigious honor was presented with the statement, “[The Collins] long term view of sustainable forest management, and obtaining the first green certification by a private timberland owner in the United States, forms the basis for this award.” Francis H. Raymond Award
For its pioneering commitment to sustainably harvested timber, through three generations of management. Visit the Business Ethics Magazine website for more info.
For large companies from the Better Business Bureau of Oregon and western Washington.
For the North/Central region to Collins Pine Company, Kane Hardwood Division. Presented by the Global Trade Institute.
To Jim Quinn, President and CEO of The Collins Companies, from Timber Processing magazine.
Jim Quinn, president and CEO of The Collins Companies, was honored as the 1998 Alumni of the Year from the John F. Kennedy University School of Management.
For Best Business Practices for Building Strategic Alliances from Arthur Andersen, US Bank, and Oregon Business magazine.
Corporate Environmental Leadership Award to Jim Quinn from Green Cross International, Mikhail S. Gorbachev, President.
For Sustainable Oregon from Governor John Kitzhaber.
Presented by Sustainable Northwest with: Center for Rural Revitalization and Learning, Idaho State University, Northwest Policy Center, University of Washington, Oregon Rural Development Council, Sustainable Forestry Council, Oregon State University.
Inc. Magazine, Sponsored by Lexmark International, Inc.